Friday, November 21, 2014

Bill Cosby, The Cosby Show & Sexual Assault Allegations

In case you have been living in a cave with no electricity over the past week, Bill Cosby is mire controversy with allegations of sexual assault from numerous women who accused the American icon of drugging them and raping them decades ago.  It all started because some low-level and perhaps no-talent comedian, who clearly have no class or respect on what Cosby had done, called him a rapist in his act.  Suddenly, one by one, women jumped out of the woodwork and "remembered" Cosby drugging and raping them that happened years ago.  Of course, there's no evidence or proof of Cosby actually committing the crime, and they know that he can't prosecute him because of a pesky thing called statue of limitations.

Of course, it didn't stop the media basically calling him guilty because, in our hyperactive climate, every woman who make claims of raping or domestic violence against a man, especially a celebrity, is telling the truth and can't be lying about.  So, anyone who dared questioned their claim is called a rape apologist or anti-woman and that he/she is blaming the victim, regardless if the woman is actually a victim or not.  In the minds of the radical feminists, every man is a rapist and, therefore. they're all evil.  So, screw the concept of innocence until proven guilty.

There have been consequences of these allegations.  Netflix had postponed his upcoming comedy special (I don't get Netflix, so I wasn't that concerned), and NBC had squashed a planned sitcom with Cosby.  But, the biggest hit was announced with TV Land had pulled The Cosby Show from their line-up.  No doubt, this was a cowardly act just to please the mob who automatically thinks Cosby is guilty.  Apparently, they don't care about their viewers especially, but not limited to, African-American viewers.  Now, I haven't watch the repeats because I got some many other shows and movies I recorded on my DVR to watch that I haven't got time to watch them anyway, but I remembered watching them when they aired during the 80's.  The show was humorous and a joy to watch, and it's one of the reasons why I will always love the 1980's.  By pulling the reruns off the air, TV Land had taken a part of my childhood.

And, let's remember why the cowards did this, it because of ALLEGATIONS!  I may not attended one single class of law school, but I do know that an allegation isn't a conviction or actual proof that Cosby raped these women.  I'm still waiting ONE concrete evidence of Cosby raping these women DECADES AGO.  Call me crazy or old-fashioned, but I still believe in a weird concept of the presumption of innocence.  Just because a network airs repeats on The Cosby Show, it doesn't means they support rape.  Just because people still enjoy watching The Cosby Show, it doesn't mean they condone rape.

If it ok for Turner Classic Movie or other movie network to air Woody Allen or Roman Polanski's films and people still want to watch them like me, it doesn't mean that, for some weird reason, people supports their allegations ( or actual charges) of abuse.  Believe it or not, people can separate artistic work and the artist's private life.

One more example, on October 7th 2014, UP TV had pulled the reruns of the popular family drama 7th Heaven from its schedule after a tape was released on TMZ featuring actor Stephen Collins, who played Reverend Eric Camden, allegedly admitting to molesting several children years prior.  But, maybe because of fans reactions, the show is back on the schedule.  So, there maybe hope for Cosby Show fans.

This post isn't about whether or not Cosby committed these acts (although it is fishy that these women "suddenly remembered" being drugged and raped by him but waited YEARS before accusing him in public.  To me, anyone who waited such a long time to publicly accused a celebrity of rape should be questioned), but it's about bringing back a beloved sitcom back on the air.

If you agreed with me that TV Land should bring back The Cosby Show repeats, you can sign a petition here:



P.S., I think it's disgusting and slimy that, just because you can't convict a person of a crime in court of law, you can tarnish his/her reputation in public and in the media.